STS Guide
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Every Shoulder To Shoulder Session needs to be hosted at this area, failure will lead into a strong punishment.
Yellow: Every Staff Member is required to park their car here (when they have their car spawned). Only Staff Cars may be parked here.
Green: Every Member is required to stand in a straight line Shoulder To Shoulder on the green color.
Red: Staff Stands behind the one who’s hosting.
Blue: The Shoulder To Shoulder Host and Co-Host are standing at the blue marker.
1.1: You may not host an STS when your rank is Moderator, You must ask for permission to host a STS. Administrators or higher can give you permission to host one.
1.2: You cannot Host an STS when there are 1 or 2 moderators in-game, You must have at least 3 or 4 moderators to host one.
20-25 Players are required to be in-game for a Shoulder To Shoulder Session to occur. If you host an STS every number below that member count isn’t acceptable.
1.3: Staff will stand behind the host and co-host. This means, no one may talk, no one can emote, no one can walk, no one can drive, and no one can use tools.
1.4: Every Staff Member that is in-game is required to have a Staff Uniform on when a Shoulder To Shoulder Session is hosted. 1.5: Prior to the STS a staff member should check the desired parking area for the STS and clear non-staff vehicles from it so staff can park there. 1.6: A staff member can step in to assist the host and co-host if needed. Ex: A person pulls out a gun and starts shooting people.
Please allow a fair amount of time in between M messages so players can read them.
1.1 :m We’ll be hosting a STS session shortly, please wrap up any on-going role-plays you are in soon.
1.2 :prty 300
1.3 :m STS session is starting, wrap up all roleplays now!
(:peacetime / :pt For as long as the STS lasts.) 300-5 mins
( :Bring all 3 times, :heal all 3 times. )
1.4 :m In this session you may not change teams, use tools, emote, chat, move. Anyone that violates this will be kicked. 1.5 :m This STS session will be hosted by me, Co-Hosting is (Username). You are required to be in line at all times and any disruption will lead to a kick.
1.6 :m The purpose of this STS Session is to give everyone a complete rundown of the rules, and you are expected to follow every rule listed.
1.7 :m You must be respectful at all times within the dizzy server and in-game server. Not being respectful will result in you being punished.
1.8 :m Fail Roleplay will not be tolerated on our server! You must roleplay realistically and correctly. For example, getting into a car accident and driving away, that is Fail Roleplay.
1.9 :m Meta-gaming, meta-gaming is using knowledge that isn't realistic/can't be obtained realistically. This can be small things such as tracking player blips on the map, using a gun indicator above somebody's head to know if they're armed or not.
2.0 :m Random Deathmatch is when a player shoots/attacks each other without a reason. committing Random Death Match will result in you being moderated.
2.1 :m Vehicle Death Match is when a player's car hits or crashes into another car for no reason at all. Committing Vehicle Deathmatch will result in you being moderated.
2.2 :m Mini-Modding is when you do the job of a moderator. Doing so will result in a punishment from the moderation team. If you have any problems, you must run !mod / !help in type bar.
2.3 :m Fear roleplay is required in-game, you cannot choose if you want to be afraid or not.
2.4 :m When you pass away or are killed you must forget all knowledge of the past in-game. You may not go back to the scene where you died to get revenge.
2.5 :m Trolling is strictly prohibited. Doing it will result in you being punished.
2.6 :m When committing a crime like robbing a gas station or three guys, you must wait 3 - 5 minutes to rob something again.
2.7 :m Any form of roleplays that are against roblox ToS will not be allowed! You must follow Roblox Terms of Services otherwise you will be banned.
2.8 :m Air Support may only be called by a High Department Rank. You may only call Air Support if you have gotten the permission by a High Department Rank.
2.9 :m You must follow every department guidelines at all times. Anyone who isn't inside the department dizzy will automatically receive the lowest rank.
3.0 :m When the priority timer is on you may not commit any major crimes. Priority timers are used to calm down the server or when a big scene is taking place and requires a big emergency response.
3.1 :m No Intention To Roleplay will not be tolerated on our server. This is a roleplay server, people are here to have a great experience. If you don't follow this rule you will receive a punishment.
3.2 :m Use of construction vehicles on main roads is prohibited without an escort. You may not bring them into the city to refuel either. Using the dump truck to dump dirt on the roads will result in a kick from the server.
3.3 :m You may not force a player to roleplay a scene. If they say no, you must pick a different person to roleplay with. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a kick.
3.4 :m Impersonating staff is strictly prohibited. Doing any of the following things listed can get you banned. Wearing our uniforms, driving vehicles with staff liveries, ETC.
3.5 :m Green zones are zones where you cannot do aggressive roleplays. You must not commit crimes in green zones. These zones include, Civilian spawn, Police Department Spawn, Sheriff Office Spawn, Fire Department Spawn, D.O.T building, Hospital and Jail.
3.6 :m You may not argue with staff. If you think something is wrong, create a ticket about it. Arguing with staff will result in a kick.
3.7 :m Staff has the final say in any scene. Punishments may vary per staff and per severity and opinions may vary per staff. You have the right to ask for another staff member to evaluate.
3.8 :m FDNY Is whitelisted, but you are allowed to be an EMT, Sheriffs team is also whitelisted.
3.9 :m Before you leave, please give us a moment while we perform an avatar check, any avatars that are unrealistic must be changed.
4.0 :m If you would like to read the rules again, Then join our dizzy! Invite code is N-Y-S-R-P No dashes.
4.1 :m Our STS Session has concluded! If you have any questions or concerns about any of these rules, feel free to say “PTS” where a fellow staff member will come and assist you.