In-Game Commands
:kl / :killlogs
On duty
All commands are permitted on duty. With some requiring additional confirmation.
:peacetime / :pt - This command must be authorized by an administrator+ to be used outside of an STS.
":kill" Command
The kill command is pernamently banned for all staff.
5 Letter Rule
Please adhere to the following guidelines for command execution, ensuring they consist of precisely 5 letters or more:
For all other commands not explicitly mentioned, flexibility is allowed, but it is recommended to use a minimum of 3 letters.
Acceptable Command Usage:
:bring/:tp bladed
:kick bladed
:ban bladed
:load/:refresh bladed
:jail bladed
Unacceptable Command Usage:
:bring/:tp bla
:jail bla
:ban bla
:kick bla
:load/:refresh bla
Usage of the "all" string commands is only used when kicking all for a server shutdown, and for STS: "bring" , "heal".
Last updated